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function subtract(count: number, unit: TimeUnit): Chronosis

Subtracts count of unit from the contained date, returning a new object.

const now = new Chronosis()
// Subtracts 1 day from the current date.
const yesterday = now.subtract(1, 'day')

Edge Cases

If count isn't a number or unit isn't a valid TimeUnit, this function returns an invalid date.

const invalid = now.subtract(1, 'invalid')
const also_invalid = now.subtract([], 'month')
const really_invalid = now.subtract([], 'invalid')

If called with a value greater than can fit in the unit (e.g. 130 seconds), the value wraps around to the next unit.

// Subtracts 2 minutes and 10 seconds from the current date.
const later = now.add(130, 'seconds')

If called without a unit, the unit is assumed to be milliseconds.

// Subtracts 1000 milliseconds from the current date.
const recently = now.add(1000)